The Opelika Tree Commission coordinated a tree giveaway for resident of the Mill Village in February of 2022. Free oak trees in 5-gallon containers were given to all residents who indicated a desire to plant and maintain the tree.

The Community Canopy program is designed to educate citizens of Opelika on the importance of healthy trees in our community. In 2019, a tree assessment and inventory was taken on a trees throughout Opelika. As a result, 58 trees were removed because of disease or dead. 80 trees were pruned to ensure Opelika sidewalks meet ADA standards. In 2020, 100 trees were been planted in city parks and right of ways. Local schools have also planted additional trees through the Clean Campus Program.

The Opelika Tree Commission is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the protection of trees located in the city rights-of-ways.  The Commission also promotes the planting of trees, both in the right-of-way and on private properties, and tree health through various programs. Opelika’s commitment to effective urban forest management has earned it the honor of a Tree City USA for the past 36 years.